Monday, January 27, 2020

Key Personality Attributes Of An Entrepreneur Business Essay

Key Personality Attributes Of An Entrepreneur Business Essay According to Carland et al. (1984:356), an entrepreneur is defined as an individual that establishes and manages a business for the principal purpose of profit and growth. Characterisation of the entrepreneur is by innovative behaviour and strategic management practices will be used in the business (Carland et al., 1984:356). Entrepreneurs have several personal characteristics that enhance their ability and enable them to be successful in whatever venture they decide to focus on. In this essay, entrepreneurship theory such as Mclelland, internal locus of control and Schumpeter will be used to form an analytical framework in order to critically analyse and evaluate the key personality attributes that prompted Victoria Tomlinsons entrepreneurial pursuits. Analytical framework: DREAM WILL TO ESTABLISH A PRIVATE KINGDOM INTERNAL LOCUS OF CONTROL NON-CONFORMIST NEED FOR ACHIEVEMENT PERSONALITY ATTRIBUTES = ENTREPRENEUR The analytical framework above reveals the personality attributes that make an individual become an entrepreneur and the attributes are illustrated from conception to the end process. It is made up of a combination of entrepreneurial theories that allude to the psychological traits of an individual. A variety of entrepreneurial theories will be used to explain the framework. Conception of the personality attribute of an entrepreneur is the will to establish a kingdom, followed by the need for achievement, then internal locus of control closely followed by non-conformist and finally the culmination of all the personality attributes lead to an entrepreneur. According to Goss (2005), Joseph Schumpeter suggested that one of the psychological traits of an entrepreneur is the will to establish a private kingdom. This is not only a personality attribute but it is a form of entrepreneurial motivation that can be found in entrepreneurs and individuals who might become entrepreneurs. In the framework above, it is highlighted as the first stage of one of many personality traits attributed to entrepreneurs. Goss (2005) argued that Schumpeters entrepreneurial motivation with regards to the will to establish a private kingdom is focused on an individual gaining and losing social status i.e. the motive is one gains power which protects one from the feelings of shame. Goss (2005) views Schumpeters three entrepreneurial motives from a sociological prism and not a psychological one. After much examination of Schumpeters writings, Goss (2005) arrived at the conclusion that social interaction and emotions are key variables in entrepreneurial actions. Also, Barnes (2000) views the motives from a sociological prism and argues otherwise that the drive to establish a private kingdom is based on an individuals independent ability to pursue a course of action. What remains to be seen is if this course of action is related to entrepreneurial actions. Need for Achievement was identified by David Mclelland (Kalantaridis, 2011). According to McClelland (1990), entrepreneurs have a high need for achievement and this was confirmed by Hansemark (1998) who carried out a research and found high levels of need for achievement in entrepreneurs. Hansemark (1998) argued that the need for achievement for an entrepreneur is based on an achievement motive to perform better than their previous performance or a need to be better than other that were before them. This motive can be learnt and it can be seen as an expectation. McClelland revealed one of the characteristics common in achievement motivated people are the desire for job relevant feedback i.e. how well one is doing? This is exhibited in Victoria who as the boss of her firm encouraged feedback from her employees on her performance in order to improve the person and set her sights on high but obtainable goals and vice versa for her employees. Rotter came up with Internal Locus of Control whereby individuals believe whatever happens to them is dependent on their actions (Kalantaridis, 2011). A high internal locus of control is found in entrepreneurs. This is a social learning theory of personality. Hanesmark (1998) suggests that locus of control is focused on the expectation of either success or failure in a judgement task. Hanesmark (1998) identified several authors that have found new entrepreneurs and existing entrepreneurs to have a high locus of control. Zhang and Bruning (2011) argued that individuals with a high level of internal locus control believe they can make things happen for their business and take responsibility for their successes and failures knowing the outcome is based on their actions. Kets De Vries (1977) argues that the entrepreneur is anxious, non-conformist and has a self destructive behaviour. The non-conformist according to Kets De Vries (1977) is seen as a way of exercising power and control in a vicinity recognised as dangerous and uncontrollable. One of the key personalities attributes that make up the analytical framework is need for achievement developed by McClelland. McClelland argued that entrepreneurs possess and exhibit a high need for achievement. The achievement motive deals with the psychology of entrepreneurship. Victoria has invested the time and effort in her skills, abilities and personal attributes in order to set up her Public Relations (PR) business. This was done by her being in charge and delivering a PR campaign for the National Association for Colitis and Crohns Disease (NACC). Need for achievement is satisfied by an intrinsic sense of success rather than an extrinsic one. Sagie and Elizur (1999) suggests that in entrepreneurs, the need for achievement is manifested in behaviours such as carrying out different tasks the outcome of which is uncertain, the entrepreneurs willingness to take responsibility for the consequences of their action and inconsistent behaviour is highly unlikely to be exhibited by entrepreneurs. According to Sagie and Elzur (1999), the need for achievement and entrepreneurial orientation revealed entrepreneurs were prompt in their ability to find solutions to problems, undertake personal responsibility for the outcome of their work rather than a shared responsibility. This was the initial case with Victoria, in that she chose to take responsibility for all tasks yet as time went by, she has increasingly delegated and responsibility is shared. Also, Victoria noted her love of problem solving and this characteristic has been on display in her business with regards to providing solutions for clients and meeting their needs. The need for achievement is a personality characteristic yet Zhang and Bruning (2011) suggest it can be obtained through education in the case of an MBA programme. Johnson (1990) reveals that a positive relationship between the need for achievement and entrepreneurship. The entrepreneurs firm will be both proactive and competitive in nature, therefore entrepreneurs need for achievement will affect firms strategy directly and the firms performance indirectly. Victoria exhibited an intense need for achievement due to the people in her family. Both parents are highly successful in their chosen career fields and her younger brother is equally successful and smart. Yet there was a yearning in her to match her familys success. The longing for individual success is translated into a high need for achievement in her academic studies while she was at school, in the corporate world working for top firms and now in her business as an entrepreneur. Zhang and Bruning (2011) suggests that personal characteristics of an entrepreneur like need for achievement and internal locus of control influence the organisation owned and controlled by the entrepreneur in a positive manner. Yet Zhang and Bruning (2011) argue that when entrepreneurs have a high need for achievement, they tend to focus more on meeting the needs of their customers through creativity and innovation. Entrepreneurs with a high internal locus of control believe they can make things happen in their firm and success is dependent on their actions. Zhang and Bruning (2011) argue that firms have a market-oriented organisational culture whose entrepreneur has a high internal locus of control, will be more in tuned with their own innovation and creative ideas, more internally driven and less willing to seek directions for the firm with regards to the future from customers, competitors or other entities. Zhang and Bruning (2011) suggest that there is a positive correlation between internal locus of control and entrepreneurship behaviour. Using the entrepreneurship theory of Internal Locus of control, Victoria believes that whatever happens to her in life is dependent on her behaviour and controllable by her actions. She believes she is in charge of her destiny. She commented that if you are good and honest with your clients, then good business will follow. Korunka et al. (2003) argument is personality characteristics seen in entrepreneurs are high need for achievement, a high internal locus of control and a medium propensity for risk due to increased security motive and favourable personal resources. Kets De Vries (1977) argues that entrepreneurs are anxious individuals, who are non-conformist, poorly organised and not a stranger to self-destructive behaviour. The attribute of non-conformist can be applied to Victoria yet the characteristics of poor organisation or self-destructive behaviour cannot be applied to Victoria as she does not portray these personalities. Although Victoria reveals she has an inner direction with self-reliance, she does not neglect interpersonal relations with her family, work colleagues and clients. Overall, the dream to establish a private kingdom, a high need for achievement, internal locus of control and non-conformist behaviour all contribute towards the personality attributes of an entrepreneur. In conclusion, entrepreneurs need to possess a high need for achievement and a high internal locus of control.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Analysis of Asian American

The United States has become the most diverse society on the face of the earth. For more than a century, most immigrants to the United States were Europeans—Germans, English, Italians, and so forth. However, according to â€Å"Globalization and Contemporary Immigration to the United States† by Min Zhou and J. V. Gatewood, â€Å"non-European immigration to the United States began in the late 1960s and has accelerated at rapid speeds since the early 1990s after a long hiatus due to restricted immigration. More than one million people a year migrate, mostly from Asia and Latin American- is transforming America into a multicultural society. At the same time, diversity became a distinguishing characteristic of contemporary Asian American. Cultural, social, economic and geopolitical factors have contributed to the diversity and also has brought new challenges for immigrants and their children to adapt themselves to the new environment. (Min Zhou and J. V. Gatewood) There are four aspects about â€Å"the development of a coherent vision for future Asian American† as what Min Zhou and J. V. Gatewood described. Firstly, variously national origins, which make impact on both the immigrant generation and the second and third generation in language and religions. Secondly, socioeconomic diversity brings about different kinds of mobility patterns. Thirdly, diverse settlement modes influence the development of Asian American community. Finally, â€Å"immigration complicates intergenerational relations and ethnic solidarity. † As what Min Zhou and J. V. Gatewood referred, â€Å"the Philippines, China/Taiwan, Korea, India, and Vietnam have been on the list of top-ten sending countries since 1980. Even though there were different kinds of laws to restrict immigration from the â€Å"Asian-Pacific triangle†, Asian immigrants found other ways to become eligible citizen. For example, marrying white Americans. With the development of globe economy, the U. S. immigration policy had been changed. On the one hand, the United States sought cheaper labor and resources abroad to develop the globalization of its economy. â€Å"Since the 1980s, about on e-third of the engineers and medical personnel in the U. S. labor market have come from abroad-mostly from India, China, Taiwan and the Philippines. †( Min Zhou and J. V. Gatewood) Further, more and more Asian study abroad, therefore, many international students, namely, foreign students, had found permanent employment in America so that they could stay here. On the other hand, globalization had played a significant role in immigration. For one thing, developing countries’ economics and occupational structures were interposed by the U. S. investment. The U. S. imported the abroad material and then processed, finally, exported to those developing countries. For another thing, with the increase number of labor demand, rural-urban migrat ion increased rapidly.

Friday, January 10, 2020

George Orwell Essay

George Orwell’s â€Å"How the Poor Die†, is an anecdote that reflects his stay in a hospital in Paris, back in 1929. In deep detail, Orwell described the setting, people, and what he felt towards the negative atmosphere to convince readers about the horrifying Hopital X. In this essay, Orwell’s use of literary and historical reference, language use and imagery, and comparison will be discussed in terms of whether or not this essay is effective for modern readers.In his anecdote, Orwell used a lot of literary and historical references that are useful in explaining the current period that he was in. â€Å"How the Poor Die† is set in Paris, back in February 1929. At that point, Orwell wrote that hospitals already have a negative image even before he wrote his anecdote. In paragraph 5, Orwell referred to a variety of literatures from the 19th Century. Tennyson’s poem, The Children’s Hospital and the conversation between Bob Sawyer and Benjamin Al len remains unfamiliar for modern readers.Orwell also mentioned a few other characters from the 19th Century that also has the same impression of hospitals. This includes George III who shrieks when surgeons approach him, and â€Å"the names given to doctors in nineteenth-century English fiction, Slasher, Carver, Sawyer, Fillgrave and so on† (paragraph 5 line 13). A brief description of literatures from the 19th century like those mentioned before allows modern readers to understand the relation of the negativity of hospitals and these characters.Therefore, since Orwell gathered his historical references in one paragraph, modern readers still have the ability to determine that in this paragraph, Orwell is informing readers that a lot of people have always had a negative image of hospitals, even before his stay at Hopital X. To give readers a view about the horrific Hopital X, Orwell used a variation of imagery to describe mostly negative perspectives about his experience. Orw ell first described the setting. One of them was the ward that he stayed in.He described it as â€Å"a long, rather low, ill-lit room; full of murmuring voices and with three rows of beds surprisingly close together. There was a foul smell, faecal and yet sweetish† (paragraph 2 line 8). In there, not only did he give visual images, Orwell also described the sounds and also the atmosphere (smell) that he was in. Orwell’s detailed imagery isn’t limited to the setting only. He also explained to readers â€Å"’cupping’, a treatment which you can read about in old medical text-books but which till then I had vaguely thought of s one of those things they do to horses. â€Å" (Paragraph 2 lines 14-16). Elaborating the meaning of this treatment is effective for modern readers because even then, he also mentioned that readers should ‘read about (cupping) in old medical text-books’. With that explanation, modern or non-modern readers get to ha ve the idea of the unfamiliar treatment that the doctors gave him. Other than that, by telling that it is actually ‘one of those things they do to horses’, Orwell is telling readers that again, this is one of the oddness of Hopital X.It is a technique that Orwell used to convince readers that his experience at Hopital X is undoubtedly miserable. Orwell also manages to convince readers about his miserable experience by comparing Hopital X to hospitals in England. He compared Hopital X to hospitals in England because he happens to have an English blood. Therefore, the comparisons are mainly biased to English hospitals, and hence, more negativity of the French hospital is revealed. The main comparison that Orwell referred to would be the service given from the hospitals.The nurses at the Hopital X â€Å"still had a tinge of Mrs. Gamp† (paragraph 5 line 12), which is the complete opposite from English nurses. Mrs. Gamp is another historical reference that Orwell made . Based on the footnote, Mrs. Gamp is introduced as â€Å"an alcoholic who works as a monthly nurse† (paragraph 19 line 2). Therefore, we can assume that a majority of nurses from Hopital X are like her or in other words, fails to give a good service to their patients. The result of this bad service makes sense to another explanation that Orwell made.When death occurs in Hopital X, the situation is explained as; â€Å"business of people just dying like animals, for instance, with nobody standing by, nobody interested, the death not even noticed till the morning–this happened more than once. † (Paragraph 5 line 3). The main use of these comparisons is to assure past and current readers that French hospitals are surrounded by negativity. Again, this effect is useful in supporting Orwell’s negative point of view of Hopital X.After almost a century, Orwell’s anecdote still has the ability to convince readers about the misery of Hopital X. With the use of literary and historical reference, language use and imagery, and comparison between Hopital X and English hospitals, â€Å"How the Poor Die† definitely proved modern readers about the misery of Hopital X. Therefore, it is safe to say that even if a literature is written a decade or even a century ago, the writing would still be effective if the author successfully address it with deep details. George Orwell Essay George Orwell’s â€Å"How the Poor Die†, is an anecdote that reflects his stay in a hospital in Paris, back in 1929. In deep detail, Orwell described the setting, people, and what he felt towards the negative atmosphere to convince readers about the horrifying Hopital X. In this essay, Orwell’s use of literary and historical reference, language use and imagery, and comparison will be discussed in terms of whether or not this essay is effective for modern readers.In his anecdote, Orwell used a lot of literary and historical references that are useful in explaining the current period that he was in. â€Å"How the Poor Die† is set in Paris, back in February 1929. At that point, Orwell wrote that hospitals already have a negative image even before he wrote his anecdote. In paragraph 5, Orwell referred to a variety of literatures from the 19th Century. Tennyson’s poem, The Children’s Hospital and the conversation between Bob Sawyer and Benjamin Al len remains unfamiliar for modern readers.Orwell also mentioned a few other characters from the 19th Century that also has the same impression of hospitals. This includes George III who shrieks when surgeons approach him, and â€Å"the names given to doctors in nineteenth-century English fiction, Slasher, Carver, Sawyer, Fillgrave and so on† (paragraph 5 line 13). A brief description of literatures from the 19th century like those mentioned before allows modern readers to understand the relation of the negativity of hospitals and these characters.Therefore, since Orwell gathered his historical references in one paragraph, modern readers still have the ability to determine that in this paragraph, Orwell is informing readers that a lot of people have always had a negative image of hospitals, even before his stay at Hopital X. To give readers a view about the horrific Hopital X, Orwell used a variation of imagery to describe mostly negative perspectives about his experience. Orw ell first described the setting. One of them was the ward that he stayed in.He described it as â€Å"a long, rather low, ill-lit room; full of murmuring voices and with three rows of beds surprisingly close together. There was a foul smell, faecal and yet sweetish† (paragraph 2 line 8). In there, not only did he give visual images, Orwell also described the sounds and also the atmosphere (smell) that he was in. Orwell’s detailed imagery isn’t limited to the setting only. He also explained to readers â€Å"’cupping’, a treatment which you can read about in old medical text-books but which till then I had vaguely thought of s one of those things they do to horses. â€Å" (Paragraph 2 lines 14-16). Elaborating the meaning of this treatment is effective for modern readers because even then, he also mentioned that readers should ‘read about (cupping) in old medical text-books’. With that explanation, modern or non-modern readers get to ha ve the idea of the unfamiliar treatment that the doctors gave him. Other than that, by telling that it is actually ‘one of those things they do to horses’, Orwell is telling readers that again, this is one of the oddness of Hopital X.It is a technique that Orwell used to convince readers that his experience at Hopital X is undoubtedly miserable. Orwell also manages to convince readers about his miserable experience by comparing Hopital X to hospitals in England. He compared Hopital X to hospitals in England because he happens to have an English blood. Therefore, the comparisons are mainly biased to English hospitals, and hence, more negativity of the French hospital is revealed. The main comparison that Orwell referred to would be the service given from the hospitals.The nurses at the Hopital X â€Å"still had a tinge of Mrs. Gamp† (paragraph 5 line 12), which is the complete opposite from English nurses. Mrs. Gamp is another historical reference that Orwell made . Based on the footnote, Mrs. Gamp is introduced as â€Å"an alcoholic who works as a monthly nurse† (paragraph 19 line 2). Therefore, we can assume that a majority of nurses from Hopital X are like her or in other words, fails to give a good service to their patients. The result of this bad service makes sense to another explanation that Orwell made.When death occurs in Hopital X, the situation is explained as; â€Å"business of people just dying like animals, for instance, with nobody standing by, nobody interested, the death not even noticed till the morning–this happened more than once. † (Paragraph 5 line 3). The main use of these comparisons is to assure past and current readers that French hospitals are surrounded by negativity. Again, this effect is useful in supporting Orwell’s negative point of view of Hopital X.After almost a century, Orwell’s anecdote still has the ability to convince readers about the misery of Hopital X. With the use of literary and historical reference, language use and imagery, and comparison between Hopital X and English hospitals, â€Å"How the Poor Die† definitely proved modern readers about the misery of Hopital X. Therefore, it is safe to say that even if a literature is written a decade or even a century ago, the writing would still be effective if the author successfully address it with deep details.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Effect of the Advances in Communication on Marketing Strategies in China Photo Album Industry Free Essay Example, 3750 words

The workers, owners and the marketers of the Chinese photo album had been interviewed and the issues that bother them were addressed. This enhanced the sales of the photo albums even in neutral conditions. The questions around marketing strategies helped the managers to frame marketing strategies. The enhancement of quality in operational activities can be termed as the ethical issues framed by the managers with feedback from the customers and the salespeople. The ethical issues regarding marketing will enhance the quality of operational activities and avoid or minimize the frauds on the internet. Using authorized, avoiding piracy of the software, protecting the privacy of the customer, protection from unauthorized use of customer s credit card numbers on the internet need to be followed while adopting the internet marketing strategies. Though the facilities offered are substantive and there is no protection for the customer s privacy or for his accounts, the marketing strategy will be destined to be failed. The ethics regarding online marketing should be strictly followed and the company must be responsible for the privacy and the protection of the identity of the customers. We will write a custom essay sample on Effect of the Advances in Communication on Marketing Strategies in China Photo Album Industry or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now Though it may not bind over legally, it should take moral responsibility about the protection of the customer. The study and research in this paper are limited to the research done until now on changing strategies on marketing and business management strategies. The future planning analysis is based on past research and direct contact with the companies involved is not present. The reason is that the paper reviews, analyses and proposes the needs and changes in marketing strategies according to the changes occurred in the market till now. The future changes, though given the importance of the effect and strategies adopted in the past and present are given importance and the future strategies and needs are forecasted or expected according to them. The research involving and forecasting the future needs and the strategies is not present.